Welcome to FuchsFriends UK
IMPORTANT NOTICE.Please note that this support group is no longer accepting new members and will be closed down on 30Th April 2025. Existing members will be able to access the website fully until that time following which they will no longer have access.
Should you require support for this eye condition please refer to the RNIB website at https://www.rnib.org.uk/your-eyes/eye-conditions-az/fuchs-endothelial-corneal-dystrophy/
In addition many consultant ophthalmologists have excellent pages on their websites that are helpful including Mr Bruce Allan https://www.allan.vu/your-eyes/fuchs-dystrophy/
You may also wish to consider joining one of the Facebook groups offering support and conversations about the condition a well as the USA group known as Fuchs’ Friends at https://www.cornealdystrophyfoundation.org/support-group/